I've been remembering a touching story I read years ago. Please forgive the paraphrase..
A young women's husband died unexpectedly one day. Friends quickly drew around with needed words of comfort from the Bible, casseroles for her freezer, help with the children etc. The love of friends was apparent, as she struggled to arrange for the funeral.
Weeks later, the day to day became hard for her, and on one particularly hard day there was a knock at the door. Opening the door, she saw her daughter's little classmate.
"I'm sorry, ''Casey, Kathy can't come out to play today. She's at her grandmothers' house."
"That's ok, Mrs. Johnson. I didn't some to see Kathy. I came to see you."
"What can I do for you Casey?"
"Oh nothing....I just wanted to come and cry with you today...."
This post is dedicated to Jimmy and his family who lost their beloved sister Chrissy.