It was a lovely day today. The sun was out and for February, it was unseasonable warm and pleasant. I had my to do list and started on the highway. Listening to some great music, I was ready to get off in West Rutland to go shopping. Had it all timed, be home by 3pm etc. My day's business was set. It was great!
Suddenly this nudging from God's Spirit. Go to RT 7 and be about My business. hmmm...really got to stay on task, Lord. A verse moved into my memory from my sister's casual call a few days before. "Look up...the fields are white unto harvest.".... go to the hospital and visit our elderly friend there. hmmmm....Kind of last minute, Lord.I heard she wasn't receiving visitors. I haven't a clue what I'd say. "I will tell you what to say..." hmmm..
The car refuses to get off the highway in West Rutland. Don't put off doing good till tomorrow. ....OK Lord, hospital it is...but she'll probably hate me for this!!
Had a lovely lovely visit, laugh and cry with a dear elderly friend who has known me a long time. She was very happy to see me and wanted George to come back with me some time and give her one of his bear hugs...told me how much she enjoyed hubby's recent sermons on the local cable network.
Thank you God, minding Your business was so much more fun than minding mine!