Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Friday Memories

When I was growing up in the Methodist church, my Mom would always point out to me how each Good Friday about 3pm the sky would get overcast. She would imagine that it was a reminder of how Jesus died about that time of the day--about 3 o'clock. Each Good Friday I check out the sky and many many times, more than not, the skies are darkened about that time.

It's worth noting that Nana went to be with Jesus about that time of the day too. I think in some weird way she would be pleased about that.
The forsythia was always out in Connecticut about Easter time also.
Ok--kind of random but at my age it's permitted...


k8 said...

this gives me a chance to post an Easter memory that came back to me this year . . I remember a year when I was quite young and my Aunt Ellen took me to JCPenny to buy TWO brand new dresses and I had a choce of what to wear for Easter. I remember what they looked like and how special I felt and how I felt like she really cared about me everytime I wore one of those dresses:) It is neat how memories are in layers and sometimes the seasons, and holidays, uncover ones you thought forgot . . . and sometimes they help us understand the generation before and behind us . . like this memory helped me understand the look in my daughter's eyes this year . .

LNA said...

Gosh--that's so sweet Katie--thanks for that. I hardly know how my kids, grandkids nieces and nephews will remember me. You get busy living and sometimes you look back and hope it was more good than bad and that people will keep the good they remember about you and forget the bad. LOL