It was reported that Mrs. Walmart died today. Her write up says much about her philanthropy and love of family. She had 8 grandchildren. Her multi billions probably don't mean much to her 3 children as they were higher on the Forbes billionaire list than she was. But her real blessings were in her family probably not all her money. So guess what??? I am richer than Sam Walmart's widow.. I have living 6 kids and 9 ---count them---9 grandchildren. The torch is passed. Only God's merciful grace.......
Maybe that sounds like false modesty or arrogance you say but some of my friends from way back when would be shocked to hear that Ellen wound up with a stable family life etc. You see one person never gave up on me.... God... He never throws anyone away......not me and especially not you!! So turn around and make a family---NO I don't mean get busy procreating. If you are single or alone make a friend and don't give up on them no matter what!! Turn to God too. You'de be shocked how much He loves you....
I like what you write . . it is so nice . . and true!! . . but sweetly said . . :)
Oh're not prejudiced or anything?
Oh're not prejudiced or anything?
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