I brought an old friend to visit an old friend yesterday. Star was laying at Nana's feet in the hospital saying her last goodbye. We have a wonderful new owner for her that Nana chose with her heart one day when she saw the plowman get out of his big truck and stoop down to hug the cute little dog. Plowman is coming to get Star after the snowstorm. She will ride around with him in the cab of his fancy truck and visit a whole new world.
Mom will soon be in her new world for eternity with God and I feel sure Star will join her there someday--but not till she travels the world with plowman.
Safe journey everyone---
I know what a difficult time this must be for all of you. You are in our prayers.
Thanks Liz---
And finally - the tears came that have been thretening for 2 days now. God bless be happy Aunt Mural with Dad and Nana and Gran and the babies. xx
Amen --Linda Kim--Amen!
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